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First image is about 40k, the rest are about
This is not a usual drawing for me. Click
here (~80k) for more info about the unintentional
elements of this picture and where they came from.
CAUTION - victimisation imagery.
This is how I felt when I was still in
primary (elementary) school. Not how I looked, but how I
felt. Click here (~40k) for an interesting comparison.
CAUTION - emotional content.
When I drew this, I didn't know what it
meant. It represents my separate parts and the overall
result - fear.
This drawing represents my emotional
relationship with my mother. Note the symbol for the male
around "her" neck like a collar - the father/husband
A pretty clear representation of how my
father contributed to my emotional development.
I don't know what this means. I know
religious symbolism is in there, but I don't really
understand what the drawing represents yet. Looks pretty,